બુધવાર, 2 ઑક્ટોબર, 2019

Habits and life

When I got sober, my sponsor told me that I had to be willing to change everything about my life -- everything. So, I wore blue jeans and switched to slacks. I wore western shirts and switched to T-shirts. But the one thing I just couldnt give up was my cowboy boots.

I went to my sponsor and said, "Surely I wont get drunk over a silly pair of cowboy boots. Im willing to change a lot of things, and if needed I could even give up those boots, but it seems so silly." My sponsor said, "I dont know how silly it is, or if youll get drunk over those cowboy boots, but I can tell that you are not entirely willing, though."

"Okay, okay," I said. "Ill prove it to you. Ill give up the boots for 30 days just to demonstrate my willingness to God." So, I bought a pair of tennis shoes, and after 30 days of not wearing my cowboy boots, wearing tennis shoes instead, the strangest thing happened -- my feet stopped hurting.

Thats how it was getting sober and giving up the high life. I never stopped to think that the boots were causing my feet to hurt, or the booze was causing my life to hurt. I got willing to give up the stuff, one day at a time, for 30 days, then 60 days, then 90 days ... and my life stopped hurting.

And every day I do something different, some change in some small way. Maybe I just put my socks on different, or drive to work a new way. Every day, I try to do Little Things in a Big Way so that when Big Things happen, I can handle them in a Little Way.

You will not do any of the 3 Cs, if you are laughing. By avoiding the 3Cs, we avoid a lot of arguments that would usually naturally occur when you criticize, condemn or complain. If we criticize, condemn, complain, show resentment, or gossip about others, it comes back to "us." If we *PRAISE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE and FORGIVE others, this too COMES BACK TO US.*

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