શનિવાર, 15 જૂન, 2019

Doctor can not work with fear of society

"LOL. ROFL. Let me tell you the funniest joke. Ever. And it's on doctors. Shhhhhh. Not about. On doctors I said. LOL. ROFL. "

Now that I have your attention and you guys are with me, keep reading -

Just get your spectacles out.
Try reading now.
Do you read anything ?

Fine. Just take a little grain of sand and put it in your eye. Leave it for a min. Let it hurt. It might pain. Just let it hurt. Why. Because it's an experiment that I want you to do. The hurt feels good isn't it.

Take a left from your hall. Around the kitchen you might see your mom. You were born from her.

Everytime you screw up , your father's heart rate shoots up. Blood pressure spikes. But he is alive as of now.  To unscrew all screwage that you do.

Got pimples on your face that make it ugly ?
Or hair that fall literally almost about to make you bald ?
Got hard stools that make you wince on the toilet seat early morning ?
Or got a really itchy groin that make you fiddle your exotic shady places in public ?

Oh. And you do have a gf. Don't you ?

And she once had a missed period because of you screwing up "literally" and you made desperate calls to undo your desperation. And probably even before that act , you had to call some vigorous thingy to be able to maintain the act the "hardway" .

And now both of you have panic attacks. She is on the verge of breaking down pyschiatrically and you need another chill pill which no over the counter shall give.

Her family people come down. Break your one bone or two. But you still need to fix it . Don't you.

And you also escape the scene by drinking all day.

And now you need a "lever" to pull your sinking life.
You might also vomit blood or develop a burning tummy with regards to all beautiful things you have done in life.

And finally frustrated, you escape on a fleeing motorcycle and ram into a rock and bleed from every possible part of the body.

Now breathe. Breathe because you are absolutely alright.
Breathe in because you just peed a little in your pants imagining this and the stains are going to disappear after a wash.
Breathe in because to wash your stains of life - you have someone.


Because to wash them off scarless- is our responsibility - our job for which we have trained a decade - and we get paid for it obviously - and we perform it with real passion , dedication and honor.

And do you still beat me up ?
And do not stand beside me while I have honestly stood beside you all your life . And even before it's conception.
Would you ?
Look into my eyes.
Wear your specs back and tell me.
Would you still beat me up ?
Go embrace every Doctor who has EVER EVER EVER been around you. Stand beside. The times are tough. Your Doctor doesn't crave anything. Just do not hate him or hit him.

I have never asked for any posts to be shared or liked. Ever. But I do wish , everyone , every single one who has been connected to me , around me - go through this. Share it.

And yes. If that grain of sand still hurts in your eye, drop down to my OPD tomorrow. Or infact right now on an emergency basis. I ll free you of that pain in a few seconds.


- Dr. Bhavya Gokani .

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