બુધવાર, 10 એપ્રિલ, 2019

Chaitra Navratri

“Navratri is the detoxification of body, mind and soul. Body detoxification means eating less; avoiding cereals (you can take wheat grass juice); eating once if possible; and following a Satvik lifestyle. In a Navratri diet wheat flour is replaced with Kuttu or Singhara flour; pulses are replaced with amaranth or Rajgiri; and rice is substituted with Samak rice. During this period, it is possible to engage in the detoxification of the mind and soul by practicing Yoga Sadhna as described in nine forms of Durga. Chaitra Navratri culminates in Ram Navami, the birth of Lord Rama. Hence, the birth of consciousness is equivalent to being in touch with his birth. This festival should, therefore, be celebrated as a disciplined way of acquiring internal happiness and not as a forced means of fasting.”

Fast does not mean ‘not eating’ but rather controlling desires and simultaneously cultivating positive mental attitudes. Desires can be of many types: eating tasty food, smelling good, listening to a particular music, watching beautiful things, etc. Similarly, fasting can also be of different types: food fast (food items), eye fast (watching things Rajsik in nature), ear fast (avoiding listening to stimulating music), action fast (not indulging in various activities), and speech fast (not speaking evil).

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