GOOD MORNING. You are all aware of *KYC* meaning *Know* *Your* *Customer*
I am coming up with a new TERM : *KYS* meaning *Know* *your* *Society* , because through Knowledge is the currency for the future, so very well quoted.
Let's begin with *FBS* , the Welfare Wing of *IAP* , now functioning in a robust and smooth manner, and already in its TENTH year of operations. 📍
Salient features of *FAMILY* *BENEFIT* *SOCIETY* of IAP :
*1* . Society was launched in March 2011 - to offer substantial financial support to the bereaved families of any IAP Life member, who has been enrolled in FBS.
*2* . Currently, the benefit amount is 8.35 Lakhs to its 2455 members. As more and more Life members of CIAP join FBS, the Family Benefit Amount *steadily* *increases* . The DEATH BENEFIT PAYOUT figure is a *multiple* of Rs. 350 and the NUMBER of existing alive members in FBS, at the time of a FBS Member's Death. We have already disbursed Benefits to 45 bereaved families, so far.
*3* . Family Benefit for it's registered members, is expected to cross *TEN* *LAKHS* , by end of 2023. Finally, by year 2030, we aim at a Disbursement Amount of Fifteen lakhs. Family's receivable Benefit is fully secured , *irrespective* of the Cause of Death - Natural, Accidental or Suicidal ( COVID DEATHS are also included. )
*4* . Currently, the age-group eligible to join FBS is 25 - 60 years. Admission fees varies from 10,000 at lower age to 52,000 when age reaches 60.
*5* . After admission, all the FBS members *ARE* *AT* *PAR* , in all aspects.
*6* . All members are billed an annual FC bill, generated in consideration of number of deceased FBS members in the previous year.
*7* . The annual bills in the last 9 years have ranged from Rs. 2500 - 5000, as the trend so far , which is quite nominal and affordable.
*8* . Annual bills have to be paid for maximum 25 years after FBS admission, *OR* till the FBS member survives - whichever is *LESS* . FBS Membership concept needs to be studied and compared ( cost wise) with any plain LIC POLICY for a similar tenure of 25 years. YES , your FBS Membership is surely a *far* *more* *economical* option than any basic LIC policy.
*9* . The benefit to the families of FBS members ( beginning after one full year of Acceptance as a FBS MEMBER ) is available *till* *your* *LAST* *BREATH* . There is no fixed *Insurance* *Coverage* *Tenure* , alike your LIC policies. # It's an *Incredible* *feature* , unique of FBS #
*10* . You can place three family members as your nominees, and allocate a percentage share, as per your desire. AVOID having just a single Nominee. Kids need to be nominees.
*11.* All queries can be addressed on whatsapp number : *9898003607* . *Courtesy* : Dr. *Dhananjay* *Shah* , Chairman - FBS.
*12* . *Basic* *theme* *of* *FBS* : During your lifetime, you regularly contribute a small amount of money every year, towards your deceased FBS colleagues ( via the annual FC bill ). Your family is *equally* *assured* of a similar but larger benefit in future, when you are no more.
*13* . THE LONGER ONE LIVES - HIS FAMILY is eligible for BIGGER BENEFIT AMOUNTS, because FBS is then a larger group of like-minded members.
✅ *Membership* *of* *FBS* is a promising, *win* *win* *opportunity* for all Life members of IAP, which should be procured as soon as it appeals you , because *FBS* *JOINING FEES* get costlier as time and your age advances.
Chairman FBS ( IAP )
@ *9898003607*
Whatsapp / Phone Call
_for further information_
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