રવિવાર, 11 ઑક્ટોબર, 2020

Covid and personnel life

Face To Face During Covid Times 
                                 - Dr Mothi SN
Ever since Ashakirana Covid Care Hospital I’ve been doing video counselling rounds on alternate days along with one of the duty doctors. It has become a purposeful pastime and gives an opportunity to connect eye to eye with the patients. 
I’ve a slender advantage over the consultants and the team of doctors and nurses because I’m not behind a mask. The doctor briefs me patient details like number of hospital days, comorbidities, O2 saturation  and requirement, treatment protocol... I introduce myself “ I’m Dr Mothi, paediatrician and trustee of Ashakirana hospital, wanting to enquire your health and well-being, any changes from the time of admission.... do you eat well, sleep well?... “ 
I also get feedback about the care provided by the team. I donot alter or interfere the treatment protocol , I let the consultants to take the call. 
I just pep them up and reassure to alleviate anxiety and fear that many of them are clouded with. A few who are asymptomatic and on the path of recovery , looking to get back home soon , I request a few of them to say words of reassurance to other patients.  
I’ve learnt this to be beneficial from our experience in the field of HIV/AIDS....support group reassurance of similarly affected people will have better impact than the words of a counsellor. 
Let me share one of my video counselling experiences which made me feel ‘ I am not wasting my time’ ...

One of those days during my rounds the duty doctor said “ sir the next patient Mr Ram ( name changed) is 80 years old doctor in retirement, non-communicative, refuses treatment and oxygen ...and doesn’t eat his food.”

I started the same way like every other patient ..” I’m Dr Mothi, a paediatrician , and this call is to enquire your comfort and well being.... I understand you are a doctor, tell me Dr Ram how are you doing?...”
He cut me short saying “ I’m a failure in my life...total failure...just a meaningless existence “. He seemed so withdrawn and resigned. 
I made a gentle effort to get across..” tell me doctor what’s so bothering and who’s your family...? “
He reluctantly replied ...“ both of my children are in US , well settled and I’m here all by myself..all alone.. meaningless existence...”
He seemed to be in a state of depression and may require antidepressants after further evaluation by the physician or a psychiatrist.
After a long while I said...” ok Dr Ram I’ll get back to you tomorrow... meanwhile why not do this small assignment I give you... just recall all the hardships and challenges you had to cross over to get your children educated, professionally settled and married ... just dwell on your efforts in getting them what and where they are today...” 
Before I signed off I told...” but ..doctor 
 please remember for you to do all this thinking you need to promptly take your medicine and eat some food... that gives you energy which is so essential..”  
I moved to the next patient and the next and completed my video rounds for the day. 
The following day some webinar kept me occupied and ended up doing rounds at about 7 pm instead of usual midday routine. 
There was a pleasant surprise awaiting...Dr Ram was sitting up with well combed hair, oxygen prong in place and ready to take on me. Even before I started my usual.... I’m Dr Mothi bla bla... he started “ I was waiting for you all day long and just to tell you I’ve taken my meds , eaten my food and did all the recalling you asked me to go thru...”
It was evident in his expression  he was honest in saying that. He continued... “ yes doctor sir...you made me do what I had not done for so long... I had a long chat when my children called me and last night I slept really well...”
To cut the long story short Dr Ram gradually improved the next 4 to 5 days and was discharged from Ashakirana. 
Rather than my selling a dream ( sapnonka saudagar ) it was Ram who left me reassured I was not wasting efforts video counselling the patients. 

                    - Dr Mothi SN

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