રવિવાર, 6 સપ્ટેમ્બર, 2009

Crying Baby

How to Soothe a Crying Baby: Mellow Motions, Gripe Water, and Other Remedies

Your baby can't use language yet. So crying is the way your baby lets you know that something is wrong and he or she needs your help. But it isn't always easy to know why babies cry. It might be your baby's temperament. Or your baby could be hungry. Or hot. Or cold. The list is long.

Babies who regularly cry for more than three hours each day are said to have colic, a poorly understood condition that causes babies to cry excessively. There are many theories about what causes colic, including digestive problems, heightened sensitivity to light and sound, and individual temperament.

But when it's after midnight and you've been up for hours (or is it days?) with a crying baby, it doesn't matter whether you label it colic, fussiness, or just a bad night. The important thing is to be able to comfort your troubled little one. Fortunately, a number of home remedies and products exist that may help you calm your infant. Although no remedy works for every crying baby all the time, you may find that the following fuss-busters give much-needed relief to baby and you.

How to soothe a crying baby: Soothing sounds

Just as loud noises like thunder or a popping balloon can make your baby cry, soothing sounds may be able to calm your infant and stop the crying. During the nine months your baby spent in the womb, she became very accustomed to the constant sound of your heartbeat. Because of this, many babies are comforted by monotonous background noise, especially sounds that mimic the sound of the womb.

You may find that your baby is comforted by listening to a white noise machine, a recording of a heartbeat, or even the whirring sounds of household appliances like dishwashers or washing machines. If there is a particular sound that seems to comfort your crying baby, consider making a recording of the sound to play when your baby is upset.

Babies also love to hear the voices of people they love. Experiment with singing your baby a gentle lullaby or quietly humming to her as you hold her to help stop the tears.

How to soothe a crying baby: Gripe water

Gripe water is an age-old remedy for colic that was traditionally made at home using dill, bicarbonate, and alcohol. Now, most drug stores carry commercially available gripe waters that do not contain alcohol.

These formulas may also include herbs that settle the stomach or help relax cramping muscles, such as ginger, dill, and fennel. Although some small studies have demonstrated that gripe water can be effective for crying babies, it's important to recognize that gripe waters are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Additionally, there is a small chance that your infant could be allergic to one or more of the ingredients.

How to soothe a crying baby: Mellow motion

Has your baby ever stopped crying after you picked him up and walked around? If so, you've experienced the fuss-busting benefits of mellow motion.

Many crying babies are comforted by smooth, rhythmic motion, such as being rocked in arms, rocking chair, hammock, or infant swing. It can also be useful to take your crying baby for a walk in a stroller or for a car ride. Just be sure that she's safely strapped into her rear-facing car seat.

The amount of motion that is soothing varies from child to child. So you may need to try different things to see what works for your baby. Some parents have found that holding their child on top of a gently vibrating appliance, such as a dishwasher or dryer, can be helpful in some instances. If you try this method, make sure you always have a tight hold on your baby so he can't fall off and get hurt.

How to soothe a crying baby: Comforting contact

After nine months in a warm, dark environment, the world can seem like a scary place to a newborn.

In some cases, mimicking the position your baby was in throughout your pregnancy will help calm your crying baby. Swaddling your baby by wrapping her snuggly in a blanket is one way to simulate the conditions in the womb -- where your baby did not have a lot of room to move around.

Gently patting your baby on the back in a regular rhythm or heartbeat pattern is another way you can help create a womblike environment. Or, try lying down with your baby against your side or keeping your child close to your body in an infant sling as you walk around. These familiar positions may help your baby feel more comfortable and secure.

A warm bath may also help comfort your crying baby. Many newborn infants enjoy the feel of warm water against their skin.

Putting it all together: The 5 S's to soothe crying babies

It may be that the best way to soothe your crying baby is by employing a number of the above techniques, or using different ones depending on why your baby is upset.

Pediatrician Harvey Karp, MD, recommends using the 5 S's -- a combination of fuss-busting techniques -- as the most effective way to comfort a crying baby. This method may help create a womblike environment and address your child's most basic needs.

The five S's include:

· swaddling

· side/stomach soothing (laying your baby on her side/stomach)

· "Shhhing" sounds

· swinging

· sucking (nursing your crying baby or give him a pacifier)

Regardless of which techniques you try, remember that your baby is more likely to stop crying if you remain calm. If you feel as if you are unable to cope with your child's crying or if there is any chance you might hurt your child out of frustration or desperation, be sure to call for help immediately.

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